Welcome to the Serendipity Installation

First we will take a look at your current setup and attempt to diagnose any compatibility problems

Errors are displayed in red [!], recommendations in yellow [?] and success in green

Serendipity v2.3.1 pre-installation report

Verify Installation Integrity

  • Unable to compare checksums! (No checksums.inc.php in main directory) [?]
PHP installation
Key Value
Operating system Linux 5.15.0-89-generic, x86_64
Webserver SAPI cgi-fcgi
PHP version >= 7.0 Yes, 8.2.20
Database extensions PDO::PostgreSQL, PDO::SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQLi, SQLite3 (OO) (Preferably use PDO-SQlite!)
Session extension Yes
PCRE extension Yes
GDlib extension Yes
OpenSSL extension Yes
mbstring extension Yes
iconv extension Yes
zlib extension Yes
Imagemagick binary /usr/bin/convert
php.ini configuration
  Recommended Actual
safe_mode OFF OFF
register_globals OFF OFF
magic_quotes_gpc OFF OFF
magic_quotes_runtime OFF OFF
session.use_trans_sid OFF OFF
allow_url_fopen ON ON
file_uploads ON ON
post_max_size 10M 2G
upload_max_filesize 10M 2G
memory_limit 16M 512M
Directory Permissions
Server-side command line tools
CLI tool Executable?
Execute Imagemagick binary

Select which installation type you wish to use: